Upcoming Events

3:30 – 4:00pm

Sunday Story Time

The New York Public Library — Todt Hill-Westerleigh Library
2550 Victory Boulevard 10314

*This event will take place in person at the Todt Hill-Westerleigh Library.* Join us for a live program with songs, rhymes, and favorite read-aloud books as we show you that storytime is fun for the whole family. Ideal f

*This event will take place in person at the Todt Hill-Westerleigh Library.* Join us for a live program with songs, rhymes, and favorite read-aloud books as we show you that storytime is fun for the whole family. Ideal for caregivers with multiple-aged children. Storytime is a program for parents/caregivers and their children. Both the parent/caregiver and the child must be present during the entire program: unaccompanied adults or children will be asked to leave the program.

11:00 – 11:45am

日本語ストーリータイム Family Storytime in Japanese

The New York Public Library — Stavros Niarchos Foundation Library (SNFL)
455 Fifth Avenue 10016

このプログラムはスタブロス・ニアルコス・ファンデーション・ライブラリー内、チルドレンズセンターで対面で行われます。 児童図書館員のウィルソン暢子と一

このプログラムはスタブロス・ニアルコス・ファンデーション・ライブラリー内、チルドレンズセンターで対面で行われます。 児童図書館員のウィルソン暢子と一緒に、日本語の歌、手遊び、絵本の読み聞かせなど、楽しいストーリータイムを過ごしましょう!このストーリータイムは乳児幼児対象で、全て日本語で行われます。ご質問等、気軽にnobukowilson@nypl.orgまでお寄せください。定員は子供25人までとなります。事前に電話又はチルドレンズセンターのデスクでの予約が必要です。 1月の予約は1月14日(火)からとなります。 This event will take place in person at the Children's Center in the Stavros Niarchos Foundation Library. Join children’s librarian, Nobuko Wilson, as she shares songs, rhymes, and favorite read-aloud books for little ones. This storytime will be conducted entirely in Japanese. If you have any questions, please email nobukowilson@nypl.org. Space is limited to 25 children. Registration begins on Tuesday, January 14.

2:30 – 3:00pm

Sunday Family Storytime

The New York Public Library — Grand Concourse Library
155 East 173rd Street 10457

Families can enjoy interactive stories, action songs, and fingerplays, and spend time with other toddlers in the neighborhood. This is an in person event. The limit is 10 children and their caregivers.

3:30 – 4:30pm


The New York Public Library — Wakefield Library
4100 Lowerre Place 10466

This program will take place in person at Wakefield Library. A wide variety of activities that involves making things with one's own hands.

11:30 – 12:00pm

FAMILY Storytime: Stories, Songs and Rhymes

The New York Public Library — Harry Belafonte 115th Street Library
203 West 115th Street 10026

This event will take place in-person at the Harry Belafonte-115th Street Library. Join us for a live in-person family storytime program with songs, rhymes, and your favorite read-aloud picture books. Ideal for parents an

This event will take place in-person at the Harry Belafonte-115th Street Library. Join us for a live in-person family storytime program with songs, rhymes, and your favorite read-aloud picture books. Ideal for parents and caregivers with multiple-aged children.

12:30 – 1:00pm

Family Storytime

The New York Public Library — George Bruce Library
518 West 125th Street 10027

Join us for songs, rhymes, and favorite read-aloud books in this storytime that’s fun for the whole family. For young children of all ages. Ideal for caregivers with multiple-aged children. Tuesdays and Thursdays at

Join us for songs, rhymes, and favorite read-aloud books in this storytime that’s fun for the whole family. For young children of all ages. Ideal for caregivers with multiple-aged children. Tuesdays and Thursdays at the George Bruce Library Stay for Open Play Ages 0-5

10:00 – 2:30pm

Open Play

The New York Public Library — Van Cortlandt Library
3882 Cannon Place 10463

Join us for a library playdate and meet other caregivers as we explore developmentally appropriate play materials in a safe, warm, and joyful environment. Extend your child's learning through play!

10:15 – 11:00am

Children’s STEAM: Classical and Scribble – Free Form Art for Young Children

The New York Public Library — Riverdale Library
5540 Mosholu Avenue 10471

Join us for a relaxing free-form art program for your little ones. Children are encouraged to create art using various different media, while listening to classical music.

11:00 – 12:00pm

Family Storytime – Cuentacuentos para la familia

The New York Public Library — Melrose Library
910 Morris Avenue 10451

This program will take place onsite at the Melrose Library. / Este programa se ofrecerá en la Biblioteca de Melrose. Enjoy songs, rhymes, and children’s books in English and Spanish! The whole family and young childre

This program will take place onsite at the Melrose Library. / Este programa se ofrecerá en la Biblioteca de Melrose. Enjoy songs, rhymes, and children’s books in English and Spanish! The whole family and young children of all ages are welcome. ¡Disfrute las canciones, las rimas y los libros infantiles en inglés y español! Toda la familia y los niños pequeños de todas las edades son bienvenidos.

10:30 – 11:00am

Books and Rhymes

The New York Public Library — Jefferson Market Library
425 Avenue of the Americas 10011

Picture book stories, rhymes, and songs for babies and toddlers.